EP 032: Why do you want to be more productive?

Welcome to episode 32, where Richard and Pilar explore the first of our ‘Pillars of Productivity’ principles. Yes, we’re hoping for a very productive 2019 and we’d like you to join us on our journey.

Before the meat of the discussion, we reflect on Richard’s visit to this year’s Division of Occupational Psychology conference in Chester. Richard shares insights into some of the keynote presentations and their implications for the workplace.

We then look at ‘Purpose’ – the ‘why’ of productivity. Productivity without purpose is pretty pointless and quite exhausting, so it’s useful to be clear on what’s prompting you to make changes and how it will feel when you get there.

Next time we’ll look at the role of priorities when it comes to being more productive: balancing our limited resources of time, attention and energy. Until then, thanks for listening. And don’t forget to let us know what you think of the podcast, send in your questions or just let us know what you find useful. You can send us a quick message via Twitter (@MyPocketPsych) or something longer via our contact form here.

Thanks for listening!

Resources mentioned in this episode.

Personal Development at Work Meetup
DOP Conference 2019
  • Date January 23, 2019
  • Tags Productivity