- Wellbeing is not simply the absence of illness or injury. It’s about how people thrive and grow, how they connect wit each other and how they derive meaning and purpose from their work.
- We avoid fads and fashions and focus on the evidence-based interventions that actually contribute to wellbeing at work.
- We don’t place the onus for wellbeing solely on the individual employee. Resilience and flexibility have limits, so it’s important to address the root causes of distress and difficulty at work.
- We subscribe to a holistic view of wellbeing, one that includes psychological, physical and social wellbeing. These all require consideration when creating organisational solutions.
- Wellbeing challenges won’t be addressed by marking ‘celebration days‘ or asking employees to attend talks during their lunch break. We encourage our clients to invest the time and money in creating accessible and inclusive wellbeing initiatives that last all year long.

Our wellbeing ethos
The business case for investing in wellbeing
The evidence for how work can negatively impact our wellbeing has been piling up for more than half a century, yet still some organisational stakeholders need convincing that it’s worthy of their focus.
The UK’s Health and Safety Executive (HSE) summarised their health and safety at work statistics in 2018, highlighting the following:
- There were 1.4 million work-related ill health cases in 2017/18
- In 2017/18, there were 0.6 million cases of work-related stress, anxiety or depression
- They estimate a combined cost of work-related ill health to be £9.7 billion
- 26.8 million days were lost to work-related ill health in 2017/18
- Of these, 15.4 million working days were lost due to stress, anxiety or depression
These few data points underline that wellbeing at work is a serious business and should be a key focus for organisations. Additionally, prevention is better than cure. This means an investment in ongoing wellbeing activities, to support employee health before illness kicks in, bringing with it the inevitable disruption and costs.

How we can help
When it comes to wellbeing at work, we can help you and your employees from several complementary perspectives.
Strategic Guidance and Support
Before diving in and launching a range of well-intentioned initiatives to improve wellbeing, we can help you adopt a strategic perspective, quantify your challenges and identify interventions most likely to have a positive impact.
We’ll help you clarify your priorities when it comes to wellbeing, quantifying your organisational wellbeing challenge, assist with alignment against your organisational values and strategy and work with you to rollout evidence-based and impactful interventions.
When you’ve made an investment in improving the wellbeing of your employees, you want to know how well it has achieved its aims. We can work with you to evaluate the impact of your wellbeing initiatives, using a range of measures and approaches, each one designed to withstand the scrutiny of your senior stakeholders – and allowing you to demonstrate how your organisation is making working life better for employees.
Wellbeing Coaching
Coaching can be an excellent adjunct to other wellbeing initiatives in the workplace. Using ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Theory) we can support coachees to focus on what matters to them, to take action in line with this and to work on cultivating the kind of health-promoting habits that make all the difference.
Wellbeing coaching can also include stress management interventions, the cultivation of healthy and sustainable coping strategies or the development of resilience in the face of the kind of challenges we can expect to face at work.
Our coaching psychologists are experienced, accredited and dedicated to bringing science to life for our coachees, to get them the best possible wellbeing outcomes.
Wellbeing Training
We have wellbeing-focused training solutions for every budget and covering a wide range of relevant topics. Whether it’s an introductory session on how to develop healthy coping strategies, or a full-day workshop on how to build your resilience, our wellbeing training courses are evidence-based, interactive, impactful and enjoyable.
Our approach to training in this area is to give delegates the insight and skills that contribute positively to the maintenance of their own wellbeing in their own organisational setting. We avoid meaningless fads and focus on what scientific evidence tells us about health, pressure and stress, and how to navigate the challenges that come our way.
Check out our varied wellbeing courses.
Wellbeing Programmes
We design and run bespoke wellbeing programmes, built around your organisational needs. With a mixture of online and face-to-face components, all built into our learning portal, we can create a compelling and evidence-based programme wellbeing programme for you.
We create bespoke content like introductory videos, supply supplementary digital resources to support behaviour change, and can host drop-in virtual ‘office hours’ sessions to answer questions, provide support and deliver accountability. Our typical wellbeing programmes enable employees to broaden their understanding of wellbeing and its importance, learn to cultivate health-promoting habits, utilise evidence-based frameworks to build their resilience and cope more sustainably with challenges, and learn how to bring their values to life in meaningful ways.
Wellbeing topics we work with
When it comes to wellbeing at work, these are some of the most common themes we address.
Psychological Flexibility
Psychological Flexibility is a set of thinking and behavioural skills which help us deal with pressure and setbacks in a healthier and more sustainable way.
By developing these skills, we become more aware of the present moment, are less likely to be led by unhelpful emotions and can deal more effectively with unhelpful thinking patterns, such as a harsh inner critic.
The research base supporting the impact of psychological flexibility on wellbeing, job satisfaction and productivity is impressive. And the good news is, that because they are skills, just about anyone has the capacity to build their psychological flexibility and experience the benefits it brings. As it’s based on principles, rather than rules, it’s incredibly flexible. And so we can teach people the core skills through one-to-one coaching, formal training courses or indeed add the content to structured development programmes.
Building and Maintaining Resilience
Resilience is a personal attribute that speaks to persistence in the face of challenges and setbacks and healthy ways of dealing with difficulties. It comprises both psychological and behavioural components and impacts productivity and wellbeing. It should be a focus for every organisation.
We can use evidence-based approaches to take a measure of individual, team or organisational resilience and provide value-add feedback to ensure it’s understood and can be acted upon. We can provide coaching for individuals, run workshops for groups and create bespoke team development workshops with resilience as the theme.
Our ‘Fit for the Future’ one day resilience workshop can be augmented with the completion of a Resilience questionnaire (the RQi) and individual feedback, to provide additional individual insight.
Stress Management Solutions
Simply put, when we believe our resources to deal with the challenges we face are insufficient, we experience stress. It may be a brief episode, down to an unmanageable workload, or it may be a chronic experience, resulting from the fundamentals of how our job is designed.
Whatever its cause, stress damages our mental and physical wellbeing, impacts productivity, increases turnover and costs the national economy hundreds of millions of pounds every year. We can support individuals, teams and your entire organisation by bringing a robust and evidence-based approach to the problem at hand.
We can conduct a stress audit to quantify the issue, provide coaching for individuals impacted by workplace pressure, provide workshops for groups and bespoke stress-themed sessions for teams. We can also include awareness and stress management content to your existing development programmes.
Work-life Balance Support
The interface between the workplace and home is frequently a source of difficulty and stress. Its subjective nature means that one-size-fits all policies and rules rarely work for the majority of employees – sometimes even removing the flexibility they need.
As experts in the work-life interface, we take a different perspective. It’s not about ‘balance’, it’s not about just two areas of our life and it’s not about reaching a static, perfect outcome.
We emphasise the need to reflect on roles, goals, values, responsibilities and workload, as well as the ‘must do’s’ and ‘nice to haves’ of life. Our support gives employees a personalised approach to help them navigate work-life challenges, based on their unique circumstances, values and personality.
We can provide one-to-one coaching, workshops for groups or bespoke team development sessions all based on sound science and practical tools.
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