In my last post, I outlined some of the risks in over-relying on employee resilience, including unwelcome interpersonal behaviour, erosion of the organisational reputation, and eventual burnout. If this left you wondering what you can do in your own organisation instead of just beating the 'resilience drum', this post may... read more →
Introduction Resilience often features on the syllabus for management and leadership development programmes. Organisations generally view as a positive attribute in the workplace - for good reason. Resilient responses to the inevitable hassles and difficulties of work can support performance and productivity and can have a buffering effect, protecting employee... read more →
In the first two posts in this series, I explained what self-care actually is, and flagged some common self-care pitfalls to avoid. In this final post, I want to share a framework you can use to structure or plan your self-care activities, so you can be more intentional. The PERMA... read more →
This is the second post in a series focusing on self-care and its role in our wellbeing at work. For a reminder of why self-care is so important, you can check out the first post in the series here. This time round, we're going to look at some of the... read more →
When you imagine self-care, you may well visualise someone easing themselves into a hot bubble bath, a glass of wine in their hand, and a big smile on their face. You may also imagine someone settling down on the sofa with their favourite snacks, ready to watch another few episodes... read more →
When exploring ways to boost your employees' wellbeing at work, it can be tempting to scan the horizon for new solutions and products; that one thing that will make all the difference! When you think about promoting wellbeing, it's easy to easy to visualise events and themed weeks, in an... read more →
I've always been interested in our perceptions of the passing of time. Personally speaking, the past summer practically flew by, while I know the upcoming 'dark and wet season' is going to feel a lot longer than it is. For me, at least. I know when I'm enjoying myself, a day-long... read more →
I've recently been discussing the essentials of coaching and coaching skills at academic conferences and in client meetings. These discussions have revealed a real lack of understanding about what being a coach means and what coaching actually looks like. In this post, I'd like to highlight the bare essentials to... read more →
I'm delighted to announce a new set of free resources to help you develop your Psychological Flexibility. When we're psychologically flexible, we're clear on what matters, we're able to be present and take helpful action in the direction of our vales, and we spend less time caught up with avoiding... read more →
When you think about coaching, what do you visualise? Is it a focus on getting that next promotion? Focus on improving your performance at work? Maybe learning how to step up into a new more senior position? While all of these are realistic scenarios where coaching can be helpful, I... read more →