Last year, we ran a series of free public webinars on a range of psychology topics. While feedback was great, it’s not possible for everyone to down tools and take... read more →
Can you believe it? We’re half-way through 2019! Yes, already. Time flies when you're having fun, right? And I do hope you're having a good year. That said, this also represents... read more →
I’m delighted to announce a new departure for WorkLifePsych, in cooperation with our friends at WiseAmigo. Starting next month, we’re launching a new meetup group in London, focused on personal... read more →
I was invited to speak at the recent AGR (Association for Graduate Recruiters) Development Conference in London and my presentation was recorded. So I'm sharing the video below. Firstly, thanks... read more →
Organisations regularly dedicate significant resources to finding the best graduates to join them each year. It's therefore imperative that they ensure these talented new employees get the best start to their... read more →
What if you don’t want to be a manager? A question I’m hearing more and more. Anne Kreamer, Imagine that you’ve invested years of blood, sweat and tears at... read more →