Ep 037: A Productive 2019 – Perspectives
Welcome to episode 37, where we look at the role of our individual differences in what makes us productive. In terms of the ‘Pillars of Productivity’ we’ve been examining over the last few episodes, this is represented by the principle called ‘Perspectives’.
This is all about self-awareness – knowing how we’re likely to approach work and respond to events in our environment – and awareness of others when we work with them interdependently. As few people work completely independently, it’s key that we consider the needs and perspectives of others if we’re going to work productively with them.
In this episode, Pilar and Richard review some recent news items, explore some recent workshops Richard ran in Dublin and outline what this principle of ‘Perspectives’ really means.
Then, in an interview with occupational psychologist Justin McNamara, we look at personality in a bit more detail and explore how we can learn more about what makes us – and others – tick.
As ever, ‘My Pocket Psych’ is brought to you by the development experts at WorkLifePsych. To learn more about we can help you and your organisation with coaching, training and development, visit us at worklifepsych.com. To send us feedback or questions, simply message us on Twitter @MyPocketPsych or send us a longer message via the form at worklifepsych.com/contact.
Thanks for listening!
Resources mentioned:
Productivity news
- The ‘Personal Development at Work’ meetup: https://www.meetup.com/Personal-Development-at-Work/
- Our productivity courses: http://www.worklifepsych.com/solutions/productivity/productivity-courses/
Wellbeing news
- BPS Digest piece on mindfulness: https://digest.bps.org.uk/2019/03/19/episode-15-is-mindfulness-a-panacea-or-overhyped-and-potentially-problematic/
Interview with Justin McNamara
- Justin’s online profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/justinmcnamara/
- ‘Don’t fence me in’ blog post: https://www.worklifepsych.com/dont-fence-me-in/
- Date April 10, 2019
- Tags Productivity