Ep038: A Productive 2019 – Persistence
Welcome to episode 38, where we look at another of our principles of Productivity. This time, our attention turns to the role of Persistence – keeping going when we’re faced with discomfort, challenges and setbacks.
It’s another episode without Pilar, but I’m delighted to be joined by Paul Smith from WiseAmigo. Paul is a fellow psychologist and the founder of an app and system to support personalised development planning and tracking.
As ever, ‘My Pocket Psych’ is brought to you by the development experts at WorkLifePsych. To learn more about we can help you and your organisation with coaching, training and development, visit us at worklifepsych.com.
To send us feedback or questions, simply message us on Twitter @MyPocketPsych or send us a longer message via the form at worklifepsych.com/contact.
Thanks for listening!
Resources mentioned:
Wellbeing news
Dr. John O’Reilly, sleep medicine specialist (HR Review, April 5th 2019): What wellbeing programmes should address sleep. https://www.hrreview.co.uk/analysis/john-oreilly-why-wellbeing-programmes-should-address-sleep/115611
Productivity news
My ‘Pillars of Productivity’ event in Dublin, May 14th, at PSI Headquarters. 6:15pm start. https://www.psychologicalsociety.ie/event/Pillars-of-Productivity
Effectiveness news
David D’Souza, Feb 2019: The thought-terminating cliches of work: https://daviddsouza.com/2019/02/25/the-thought-terminating-cliches-of-work/
Interview with Paul Smith
Paul’s LInkedIn profile
WiseAmigo: www.wiseamigo.com
Episode 012 with Paul: https://www.worklifepsych.com/podcast/ep-012-consulting-a-wise-amigo/
- Date April 23, 2019
- Tags Productivity