Ep 164: A flexible self-concept

In this, the latest episode in our series on Psychological Flexibility, Richard is one again joined by fellow psychologist Ross McIntosh.

They explore the importance of noticing the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves – which we collectively call our self-concept – and holding these stories lightly. Sticking to rigid views of ourselves means we can hold ourselves back, respond unhelpfully to feedback or engage in lots of other behaviours that don’t reflect the kind of person we want to be.

Cultivating a more flexible self-concept, appreciating the millions of aspects of us that make us who we are – is the final skill we cover in this series. You can find all the other resources in this series on our dedicated Psychological Flexibility page.

In the next episode, we’ll summarise the series, reflect on our journey and of course, answer all our listener questions. So please, feel free to get in touch with your questions. You can email us at: podcast at worklifepsych dot com. We love to hear from you!

As ever, thanks for listening.


  • Date July 18, 2024
  • Tags Psychological Flexibility