Ep 133: A routine is a process, not a prison

In this episode, Richard and Pilar explore the importance of approaching our routines and habits with flexibility. While they ideally work to help us be the kind of person we’d like to be, we also need to recognise when a routine or habit is no longer helpful or might even run against our own interests.

Additionally, it’s helpful to be sensitive to the impact our habits have on our context and those around us.

Habits can be an expression of our values – yet values are principles, which can and should be applied with flexibility. So it makes sense not follow our routines against all common sense, but to decide – in the moment – whether it’s a helpful thing to do. A mindful awareness of the here and now can help us notice how helpful our behaviour is likely to be. We can then craft new habits, or simply take a break from our routines as needed.

The bottom line is that our habits exist to help us. We can decide whether or not to put them into practice.

Do get in touch with your questions and comments about habits and the benefits of approaching them flexibly. You can email us at: podcast at worklifepsych dot com.

Thanks for listening!

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  • Date April 14, 2023
  • Tags Effectiveness