So far in this series we have unpacked what we mean by derailment and explored the different ways our strengths can cause us issues. In this final post in the... read more →
In a recent podcast episode, we discussed career derailment; this three-part blog series further unpacks this important topic. We start by exploring what we mean by derailment and how our... read more →
Researchers from the US have highlighted the importance of the non-work domain (i.e. home life) in an employee’s experience of the work domain - and their career decisions. In their... read more →
What do you regret most about your career? I had just finished a guest lecture on business and innovation at Parson’s School for Design, and a particularly attentive front-row audience... read more →
I’m sure I’m not the only professional psychologist who has to regularly describe what I actually *do* for a living. Despite the best efforts of the British Psychological Society, my experience... read more →
In the middle of this global recession,with redundancies being announced across industries on an almost daily basis, it’s worth considering if you have a back-up plan. In the event of... read more →