During this month's WorkLifePsych Community meet-up, we had a great discussion about the tools we use to get things done. It's a topic that comes up regularly in my coaching... read more →
The wonderful range of apps and productivity tools available to us represents a double-edged sword. With this impressive choice comes the challenge of evaluation, selection and implementation. And none of... read more →
Do you find yourself automatically checking your email in the evening? Do you catch yourself getting lost in a social media stream when you should be working? Do your device's... read more →
Last week, I was quoted in an FT article about social media use at work. I sometimes brace myself to see how my interviews are portrayed 'in print', but this... read more →
I came across this article extolling the virtues of the BYOD movement - where employees bring their own device(s) to work, rather than those provided by their employer. There are some... read more →
This month's Fast Company magazine has a great feature on unplugging from the internet. I particularly enjoyed Baratunde Thurstone's piece on how he disconnected from the web for several weeks.... read more →
I find myself spending more and more time discussing email with clients - and it's rarely a positive conversation. Many clients report a lot of stress and frustration associated with... read more →
Marissa Mayer continues to make her mark on Yahoo. After her high-profile move from Google and speedy return to work after giving birth, then launching a new Yahoo homepage, the high-profile... read more →
By Dr. Richard A. MacKinnon There has been lots of press attention on a major European corporation’s announcement that email access will be turned off at night, to improve employees’... read more →
Do you bring your Blackberry with you when you go on holidays? Do you take the odd furtive look at your emails while you’re supposed to be relaxing? Or do... read more →