We wrapped up our recent podcast series on coaching last week, posing the question 'Can a manager be a coach?' If you're considering coaching for yourself or your organisation, this... read more →
Core to being productive in a sustainable and healthy way is realising that it requires prioritisation. As David Allen points out in ‘Getting things done’, you can do anything -... read more →
The word ‘productivity’ can elicit groans and eye-rolling, as it’s been over-used and misunderstood for quite some time now. I take a pragmatic view and define it simply as doing... read more →
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought untold disruption to our daily lives. For millions of people, this has meant trying to work at home, a state of affairs that isn’t going... read more →
This health emergency is truly unprecedented in its scope and impact. So yeah, it’s okay to be feeling a whole mixture of things right now: fear, anxiety, frustration, helplessness. But... read more →
Has this ever happened to you? You sit down with your task list on a Friday morning and realise that an item from Monday is still there. Or you look... read more →
I'm delighted to speaking at an event hosted by the Psychological Society of Ireland next month. I'll be walking delegates through my 'Pillars of Productivity', a principles-led approach to improving... read more →
A delegate on a recent coaching skills course I ran expressed some surprise that productivity might come up as a coaching topic. We had started talking about ‘time management’, but... read more →
I think it’s fair to say I never thought I’d be writing about ‘porn’ on this blog. But the phrase ‘productivity porn’ encapsulates a problem so well, I don’t think... read more →
In episode 32 of 'My Pocket Psych' we discussed the importance of purpose and meaning when it comes to productivity. In our model of the 'Pillars of Productivity', Purpose represents... read more →