I'm delighted to announce a new set of free resources to help you develop your Psychological Flexibility. When we're psychologically flexible, we're clear on what matters, we're able to be... read more →
We wrapped up our recent podcast series on coaching last week, posing the question 'Can a manager be a coach?' If you're considering coaching for yourself or your organisation, this... read more →
I'll be honest with you. I started our podcast as an experiment. In a world filled to the brim with podcasts, did we really need one more? And was there... read more →
In the latest episode of ‘My Pocket Psych’, I’m joined by mindfulness researcher, Sarah Strohmaier, for a fresh look at mindfulness. We look at the evidence for mindfulness as a... read more →
Some of the first ever episodes of our podcast, 'My Pocket Psych', focused on the concept of Psychological Flexibility. This is a concept that's all about developing a different relationship... read more →
In episode 32 of 'My Pocket Psych' we discussed the importance of purpose and meaning when it comes to productivity. In our model of the 'Pillars of Productivity', Purpose represents... read more →
The latest episode of our podcast, 'My Pocket Psych' is available to download now. You can access it via your preferred podcast platform, via Spotify, or simply listen via the... read more →
Today marks the start of Mental Health Awareness Week and this year, the campaign's focus is on stress. Job-related stress continues to represent a major problem for people, teams and... read more →
This episode of ‘My Pocket Psych’ continues our series on productivity at work. After looking at what might stop us from making a start (Procrastination), we now discuss how we... read more →
The latest episode of the My Pocket Psych podcast kicks off our new series on productivity at work. We define productivity simply as doing the right thing, in the right... read more →