We’re at the end of another year – albeit an incredibly strange and challenging one.
Despite everything, or indeed because of everything, we’ve continued to release our podcast on a fortnightly basis. At this time of the year, I like to look back and see what topics and guests have been popular with our listeners. So here’s a quick run through of our top five episodes:
Number 5: thinking about thoughts
Coming in at number five we have episode 56, which was part of our series on Psychological Flexibility in action. This particular episode was all about the power of Defusion – developing the ability to see thoughts for what they are, not what they say they are. Practicing defusion helps us avoid getting caught up in unwelcome or painful thoughts and focus on what’s happening around us.
Number 4: working from home
Next up in our review of 2020 was the fourth most downloaded episode: our special episode all about ‘working from home in a crisis’. Home-working became the norm of thousands and thousands of us this year and this was a quick start guide to help everyone make the transition. (Our latest series on working from home starts with episode 76 and focuses on moving beyond this crisis mode of working.)
Number 3: be here, now
The third most downloaded episode of ‘My Pocket Psych’ was another episode from our Psychological Flexibility in Action series. Episode 55 is all about how to cultivate a mindful focus on the present moment. Noticing what’s going on – both within us and around us – helps us to show up flexibly, as the type of person we want to be. Less automatic action, less unwelcome mental time travel. If you’re interesting in learning more about the evidence for the positive impact of mindfulness at work, check out episode 75, where I was joined by Dr. Antonia Dietmann to discuss mindfulness-based interventions.
Number 2: chats at work
And it was great to be joined by Antonia again for an episode all about the contribution of social chats at work. Episode 62 was our second most downloaded episode this year – big thanks to Antonia for her time and expertise! I look forward to welcoming her back in 2021.
Number 1: coaching with impact
And here we are: our most downloaded episode of 2020. 🎉 It featured a great conversation with Dr. Rachael Skews all about the power of acceptance and commitment coaching. Check out episode 54 to hear Rachael discuss the advantages of this evidence-based approach to coaching for wellbeing, productivity and professional effectiveness. Thanks to Rachael for joining us once again!
Finally, a big thank you to all our listeners, who are the reason we keep going with ‘My Pocket Psych’. Do get in touch with your ideas and questions. We love to hear from listeners. And if you’re enjoying it, do leave us some feedback.